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BAND TOGETHER IN CHAOTIC CO-OPEnjoy the story solo or start a party with up to three friends in seamless online multiplayer. Level up, refine your build, expand your arsenal, and become the ultimate adventurer. PERSONALIZE YOUR HEROCreate the perfect hero with deep customization, including a multiclass system that lets you mix and match six unique character skill trees, all with their own awesome abilities. During your quest to defeat the Dragon Lord, you'll meet a cast of lovable misfits like a lute-wielding Bardbarian and your very own Fairy Punchfather. Then delve deeper into dangerous dungeons for a shot at epic loot! PARTY UP TO DEFEAT EVILJoining you at the table are headstrong captain Valentine and rule-obsessed robot Frette. Use your firepower to vanquish legions of enemies, including smack-talking skeletons, land-roaming sharks, and colossal bosses.

Explore a vast overworld spanning majestic cities, dank mushroom forests, foreboding fortresses, and more! GUNS, SPELLS, AND MOREBlast baddies with powerful guns and devastating spells in frenetic first-person battles. Everyone's welcome, so join the party, throw on your adventuring boots, and be Chaotic Great! AN UNPREDICTABLE FANTASY WORLDTiny Tina is your disorderly guide through an extraordinary tabletop realm where rules rarely apply.

Roll your own multiclass hero and loot, shoot, slash, and cast your way through outlandish monsters and loot-filled dungeons on a quest to stop the tyrannical Dragon Lord. Party up with friends in cross-platform multiplayer!Įmbark on an epic adventure full of whimsy, wonder, and high-powered weaponry! Bullets, magic, and broadswords collide across this chaotic fantasy world brought to life by the unpredictable Tiny Tina.