What we offer are legal and genuine digital downloads, but submitted in the form of an account. This product can be activated in any country Warning! If you completely ignore and do not follow the rules for the use of the product that the seller offers you and your account were damaged by you, refund or replacement is impossible." It simply means that we will provide you with a free replacement account if something goes wrong within the first 180 days. This does not mean that your game will stop working after 6 months, almost all games will run indefinitely if configured correctly. Make sure you have a console to complete the setup when you receive the game. Games must be activated within 1 hour after receiving your account. Once installed, the game will be available to run under your account just like any other game or app you purchased directly from the PSN Store. No regional restrictions, buy and play the game anywhere in the world play straight from the PSN store - earn trophies, play online, get updates play in your profile, after setup you will no longer have to log into our account Since the game comes directly from the PSN store, it will be exactly the same as the digital retail or disc version, with all PSN features like trophies, multiplayer, etc.

You will then return to your profile and start playing as usual. We offer legal and authentic digital downloads, but submitted in the form of an account.Īfter purchase, you will receive an account with the pre-purchased game, install it on your console and use to download the game.

To cancel the version you don't need, please check the downloads queue. Typically, the PS5 will try to download both the PS4 & PS5 versions of an add-on, if available. To find game add-ons, select the game hub and scroll to the Add-ons section.Select the Install icon next to the add-on you wish to install.

Press the Options button on your controller.From the Home Screen, highlight your game.How to Download an Add-on on PlayStation 5