Until next time, these are the Harrowstone Accords and this is Asher signing off.Holen Sie sich das Steam-Spiel Fantasy Grounds - Pathfinder RPG - Carrion Crown AP 1: The Haunting of Harrowstone (PFRPG)įantasy Grounds - Pathfinder RPG - Carrion Crown AP 1: The Haunting of Harrowstone (PFRPG) ist ein beliebtes Steam-Spiel, das von SmiteWorks USA, LLC entwickelt wurde. She then realized she could finally leave and move on to the afterlife. Vesorianna thanked us and banished the ghosts haunting Harrowstone. We then returned Warden Hawkran’s badge to Vesorianna to have the authority of her dead husband. And we found out that he was tortured to death by the rioting prisoners. Among the bloodstained instruments of pain, we found Warden Hawkran’s body. We then found the torture room, complete with an iron maiden and various other heinous torture devices. We found the Mosswater Marauder, and with the Marauder’s hammer, Death From Above knocked out the evil spirit with the help of Urul and Elvis. After a lengthy battle with the Splatterman and his skeleton militia, we vanquished the Splatterman and any part of him from the earth. While everybody went to fight the Splatterman with various arrows and charms, I healed Torell and then Urul. The Splatterman seemed to be targeting Torell with his supercharged magic missiles. Weakened and stunned, we saw the Splatterman ghost looking at us through the rubble. As we were clawing, slashing and smashing our letters, the roof of the dungeon caved in. Torell was the one most affected by it, and while everybody attacked their letters as to stop the process, I attacked Torell’s name so he would be able to heal us with a clear mind.

As they were being written we realized it was the Splatterman, and we felt our wisdom leaving us. We soon found another room, and as soon as we walked in we found that the starting letter of each of our names was on the wall, but oddly enough not mine. We found treasure at the bottom of the oubliette, much to everybody’s delight. We were soon fighting the Lopper, and we quickly dispatched him to much relief: 3 down, 2 to go. When we got there, we found a secret oubliette in the dungeon. So, with a new vigor we returned to Harrowstone to kill the ghosts. When we came back, we found out that the Splatterman had written yet another letter (A), in the town. We left Harrowstone after fighting a lot of stuff to rest and regain our spells and health. Hi, this is Asher, recording the final events that took place in Ravengro and its abandoned prison Harrowstone.